OSI Model Analogy Data Link Layer – Source Host

Written on 7:08 AM by ooe

Bangalore column appointment takes control of the boxes.

OSI Model Analogy Network Layer - Source Host

Written on 7:07 AM by ooe

Put your friend's complete commitment abode (and yours) on anniversary box.Since the bales are too big for your mailbox (and back you don’t accept abundant stamps) you actuate that you charge to go to the column office.

OSI Model Analogy Transport Layer - Source Host

Written on 7:06 AM by ooe

Disassemble the bike and put altered pieces in altered boxes. The boxes are labeled

“1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, and “3 of 3”.

OSI Model Analogy Session Layer - Source Host

Written on 7:04 AM by ooe

Call your acquaintance and accomplish abiding you accept his actual address.

OSI Model Analogy Presentation Layer - Source Host

Written on 7:02 AM by ooe

Make abiding you accept the able admonition to detach and arouse the bicycle.

OSI Model Analogy Application Layer - Source Host

Written on 7:00 AM by ooe

After benumbed your new bike a few times in Bangalore, you adjudge that you appetite to accord it to a acquaintance who lives in DADAR, Mumbai.

Data Encapsulation

Written on 6:58 AM by ooe



Source Port Destination Port Data I


Source IP Destination IP Protocol
Segment |

Destination MAC Source MAC Ether-Field Packet FCS
Bit 1011011100011110000

Data Encapsulation

Written on 6:53 AM by ooe

Upper-Layer Data
TCP Header
Upper-Layer Data
IP Header
LLC Header
MAC Header

Layer 1 - The Physical Layer

Written on 9:49 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation
5 Session
4 Transport
3 Network
2 Data Link

1 Physical<==

This is the concrete media through which the data, represented as cyberbanking signals, is beatific from the antecedent host to the destination host.

Move $.25 amid devices


PDU - Bits

The abstracts is in $.25 $.25 are adapted to signals accepted as encoding

The concrete band is additionally amenable for how bifold advice is adapted to a concrete band signal. For example, if the cable uses chestnut as a carriage medium, the concrete band defines how bifold 1’s and 0’s are adapted into an electrical arresting by application altered voltage levels. If the cable uses fiber, the concrete band defines how 1’s and 0’s are represented application an LED or laser with altered ablaze frequencies

Layer 2 - The Data Link Layer

Written on 9:46 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation
5 Session
4 Transport
3 Network

2 Data Link<== Performs Physical Addressing
This layer provides reliable transit of data across a physical link.
Combines bits into bytes and bytes into frames
Access to media using MAC address
Error detection, not correction
Logical Link Control performs Link establishment
MAC Performs Access method

PDU - Frames

1 Physical

Preamble is arrangement of 1’s and 0’s signifies the alpha of a frame

DataLen decides the breadth of Data, can be 64 to 1500 Bytes is alleged as MTU

FCS is acclimated for absurdity detection

CRC run on the abstracts acreage and and the ethics is kept in FCS

Layer 3 - The Network Layer

Written on 9:45 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation
5 Session
4 Transport

3 Network <==

Sometimes referred to as the “Cisco Layer”.

End to End Delivery

Provide analytic acclamation that routers use for aisle determination

Segments are encapsulated

Internetwork Communication

Packet forwarding

Packet Filtering

Makes “Best Aisle Determination”


PDU – Packets – IP/IPX

2 Data Link
1 Physical

Layer 4 - The Transport Layer

Written on 9:42 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation
5 Session

4 Transport <==

This band break up the abstracts from the sending host and again reassembles it in the receiver.

It additionally is acclimated to assure reliable abstracts carriage beyond the network.

Can be reliable or unreliable




Flow Control

PDU - Segments

3 Network
2 Data Link
1 Physical

Protocol Abstracts Unit. The appellation acclimated to call abstracts as it moves from one band of the OSI archetypal to another.

Full Duplex

Written on 9:37 AM by ooe

In a arrangement that uses twisted-pair cabling, one brace is acclimated to backpack the transmitted arresting from one bulge to the added node. A abstracted brace is acclimated for the acknowledgment or accustomed signal. It is accessible for signals to canyon through both pairs simultaneously. The adequacy of advice in both admonition at already is accepted as abounding duplex.
10 or 100 Mbps

  • Doubles bandwidth between nodes
  • Collision-free transmission
  • Two 10 or 100 Mbps data paths

Full bifold agency you can accelerate and accept at the aforementioned time. This was absurd on coax, the aboriginal Ethernet media back it had alone 1 aqueduct and Ethernet uses baseband signaling. However, 10BaseT and 100BaseT use a cable with 4 conductors. (Actually, there are about 8 conductors but alone 4 are used.) 1 brace of conductors is acclimated to accelerate abstracts and the added to accept data. Anniversary brace are additionally askance about anniversary added to advice annihilate noise, appropriately the name defenseless askance pair. With the appropriate accouterments you can apparently bifold the acceleration of your arrangement by sending and accepting simultaneously. Of advance it’s a attenuate ambiance that has so abundant abstracts to accelerate in both admonition but abounding bifold will accord you a achievement addition because you no best accept to delay for 1 host to accomplishment sending afore you alpha to accelerate your data, i.e. a deferral

Half Duplex

Written on 9:36 AM by ooe

  • It uses only one wire pair with a digital signal running in both directions on the wire.

  • It also uses the CSMA/CD protocol to help prevent collisions and to permit retransmitting if a collision does occur.

  • If a hub is attached to a switch, it must operate in half-duplex mode because the end stations must be able to detect collisions.

  • Half-duplex Ethernet—typically 10BaseT—is only about 30 to 40 percent efficient because a large 10BaseT network will usually only give you 3 to 4Mbps—at most.

Layer 5 - The Session Layer

Written on 9:32 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation

5 Session<== This layer establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between two communicating hosts. Creates Virtual Circuit Coordinates communication between systems Organize their communication by offering three different modes Simplex Half Duplex Full Duplex Example:

  • Client Software
( Used for logging in)

PDU - Formatted Data

4 Transport
3 Network
2 Data Link
1 Physical

Exam Watch The session layer is responsible for setting up and tearing down network connections. Examples include RPCs and NFS.
The actual mechanics of this process, however, are implemented at the transport layer. To set up connections or tear down connections, the session layer communicates with the transport layer. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is an example of an IP session protocol; the Network File System (NFS), which uses RPC, is an example application at this layer.

Layer 6 - The Presentation Layer

Written on 4:35 PM by ooe

7 Application

6 Presentation <=This layer is responsible for presenting the data in the required format which may include: Code Formatting Encryption Compression PDU - Formatted Data 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical

The Presentation band gets its name from its purpose: It presents abstracts to the Application band and is amenable for abstracts adaptation and cipher formatting

Exam Watch The presentation band determines how abstracts is represented to the user. Examples of presentation band protocols and standards accommodate ASCII, BMP, GIF, JPEG, WAV, AVI, and MPEG.

ASCII (the American Accepted Cipher for Information Interchange, acclimated by best accessories today) uses seven $.25 to represent characters. EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code, developed by IBM)

PICT A account architecture acclimated by Macintosh programs for appointment QuickDraw graphics.

TIFF Tagged Image Book Format; a accepted cartoon architecture for high-resolution, bitmapped images.

JPEG Photo standards brought to us by the Joint Photographic Experts Group. Other standards adviser movies and sound:

MIDI Musical Instrument Agenda Interface (sometimes alleged Musical Instrument Device Interface), acclimated for digitized music.

MPEG Increasingly accepted Moving Account Experts Group accepted for the compression and coding of motion video for CDs. It provides agenda accumulator and bit ante up to 1.5Mbps.

QuickTime For use with Macintosh programs; manages audio and video applications.

RTF Rich Argument Format, a book architecture that lets you barter argument files amid altered chat processors, alike in altered operating systems.

Categorize as book type

5 Session
4 Transport
3 Network
2 Data Link
1 Physical

Layer 7 - The Application Layer

Written on 4:31 PM by ooe

7 Application <=This layer deal with networking applications. Examples:

  • Email
  • Web browsers

PDU - User Data

Each of the layers have Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

6 Presentation
5 Session
4 Transport
3 Network
2 Data Link
1 Physical

top (seventh) band of the OSI Reference Model is the appliance layer. It provides the user interface. Examples of TCP/IP applications accommodate telnet, FTP, HTTP, and SMTP.

OSI Model

Written on 4:28 PM by ooe


Data Flow Layers


The OSI Reference Model

Written on 10:27 AM by ooe

7 Application
6 Presentation
5 Session
4 Transport
3 Network
2 Data Link
1 Physical

The OSI Model will be used throughout your entire networking career!

Memorize it!

Don’t Get Confused.

Written on 7:27 AM by ooe

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

OSI - Open System Interconnection

IOS - Internetwork Operating System

To abstain confusion, some bodies say “International Standard Organization.”

Why do we need the OSI Model?

Written on 7:26 AM by ooe

To abode the botheration of networks accretion in admeasurement and in number, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) researched abounding arrangement schemes and accustomed that there was a charge to actualize a arrangement archetypal

This would advice arrangement builders apparatus networks that could acquaint and assignment calm

ISO therefore, appear the OSI advertence archetypal in 1984.

Before OSI it was difficult for the vendors to actualize arrangement articles OSI, why U charge to study, its a structured access to troubleshoot

Each has absolute model

Before because how to configure Cisco routers and switches, you charge be alien to basal networking concepts you’ll charge to accept in adjustment to butt the avant-garde concepts discussed in after capacity

ISO developed the seven-layer

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802 Standards

Written on 7:24 AM by ooe

IEEE 802.1: Standards accompanying to arrangement management.

IEEE 802.2: General accepted for the abstracts articulation band in the OSI Reference Model. The IEEE divides this band into two sublayers -- the analytic articulation ascendancy (LLC) band and the media admission ascendancy (MAC) layer.

IEEE 802.3: Defines the MAC band for bus networks that use CSMA/CD. This is the base of the Ethernet standard.

IEEE 802.4: Defines the MAC band for bus networks that use a token-passing apparatus (token bus networks).

IEEE 802.5: Defines the MAC band for token-ring networks.

IEEE 802.6: Accepted for Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)

IEEE is an alignment composed of engineers, scientists, and students. The IEEE is best accepted for developing standards for the computer and electronics industry

Network Structure & Hierarchy

Written on 7:21 AM by ooe

Layer, Distribution Layer, Access Layer

What Are The Components Of A Network ?

Written on 7:17 AM by ooe

Home Office
Branch Office Main Office Internet

Internetworking Devices

Written on 7:12 AM by ooe

Bridge: Three collision domains One broadcast domain

Hub: One collision domain One broadcast domain

When you looked at Figure 1.1, did you apprehension that the router is begin at centermost stage, and that it connects anniversary concrete arrangement together? We accept to use this blueprint because of the earlier technologies involved–—bridges and hubs. Once we accept alone switches in our network, things change a lot! The LAN switches would again be placed at the centermost of the arrangement apple and the routers would be begin abutting alone analytic networks together. If I’ve implemented this affectionate of setup, I’ve created basic LANs (VLANs).

On the top arrangement in Figure 1.1, you’ll apprehension that a arch was acclimated to affix the hubs to a router. The arch break up blow domains, but all the hosts affiliated to both hubs are still awash into the aforementioned advertisement domain. Also, the arch alone created two blow domains, so anniversary accessory affiliated to a hub is in the aforementioned blow area as every added accessory affiliated to that aforementioned hub. This is appealing lame, but it’s still bigger than accepting one blow area for all hosts.

Notice article else: the three hubs at the basal that are affiliated additionally affix to the router, creating one humongous blow area and one humongous advertisement domain. This makes the bridged arrangement attending abundant bigger indeed!

Measuring Bandwidth

Written on 7:05 AM by ooe

Unit of Bandwidth Abbreviation Equivalence
Bits per second bps 1 bps= fundamental unit of bandwidth
Kilobits per second kbps 1 kbps=-1,000 bps=103 bps
Megabits per second Mbps 1 Mbps=-1,000,000 bps= 106 bps
Gigabits per second Gbps 1 Gbps=-1,000,000,000 bps=109 bps
Terabits per second Tbps 1 Tbps=- bps=1012 bps


Written on 7:44 AM by ooe

Why bandwidh is important:

  • Bandwidth is bound by physics and technology
  • Bandwidth is not free
  • Bandwidth requirements are growing at a accelerated rate
  • Bandwidh is analytical to arrangement performance

Virtual Private Network

Written on 7:42 AM by ooe

A VPN is a clandestine arrangement that is complete aural a accessible arrangement basement such as the all-around Internet. Using VPN, a telecommuter can admission the arrangement of the aggregation address through the Internet by architecture a defended adit amid the telecommuter’s PC and a VPN router in the headquarters.

A VPN about provides authentication, confidentiality, and candor to actualize a defended affiliation amid two sites or devices. Affidavit is provided to validate the identities of the two peers. Acquaintance provides encryption of the abstracts to accumulate it clandestine from prying eyes. And candor is acclimated to ensure that the abstracts beatific amid the two accessories or sites has not been tampered with.


Written on 7:35 AM by ooe

WANs are designed to:

  • Operate over a large geographical area
  • Allow access over serial interfaces operating at lower speeds
  • Connect devices seperated over wide, even global areas

Cisco amid three bidders for Nortel's Ethernet biz

Written on 1:08 PM by ooe

Cisco amid three bidders for Nortel's Ethernet biz

Nortel is reportedly absorbing bids from three companies, including Cisco, for its Metro Ethernet Networks business unit.

According to a address in the Canadian civic bi-weekly Globe and Mail, companies best acceptable to bid on the US$2 billion business accommodate Cisco, Huawei, Ericsson and Nokia Siemens. The commodity does not say which of those companies is not bidding.

Nortel beforehand this year said it would seek buyers for MEN in an accomplishment to accession banknote to armamentarium added businesses the aggregation considers added strategic. Nortel is accepting agitation airy afterwards an accounting artifice aspersion in 2004, circuitous by the accepted black all-around economy.

Various analysts appraisal that Nortel could back amid $1 billion and $2 billion for MEN, admitting the accepted bread-and-butter altitude ability lower that value.

The Globe and Mail adventure additionally says Nortel is attractive to advertise added assets instead of filing for bankruptcy. One of them ability be the company's Carrier Networks business, Nortel's bedrock.

Selling off Carrier Networks would end the century-old accord amid Nortel and the telecommunications industry, the adventure notes. Nortel is North America's better supplier of blast equipment.

Nortel would again be larboard with its Enterprise and Services businesses, which accommodate Ethernet switches, routers and unified communications software. Enterprise is about $2.5 billion annually to Nortel, while Services is a $2 billion operation.

Cisco Prepping for Next-Generation Abstracts Centers

Written on 1:07 PM by ooe

Cisco Prepping for Next-Generation Abstracts Centers

Cisco Systems and band-aid providers accept appeal for unified abstracts centers will advance as technology and designs mature. Value, they say, will appear from designing efficient, abiding accretion infrastructures.

Solution providers adumbrate Cisco Systems’ abstraction for the next-generation abstracts centermost will chase a agnate accepting ambit to VoIP, and are gearing up for an access of acceptance rates.

Cisco’s Unified Bolt access aims to accommodate the abstracts centermost added absolutely into absolute arrangement infrastructure, says Doug Gourlay, administrator of Abstracts Centermost Band-aid Marketing at Cisco.

The aim, Gourlay says, is to imitate Cisco’s “the arrangement is the platform” access to accumulation disparate networks.

“We’ve taken accumulator networks and server networks and pulled them calm into a unified fabric. Again we fabricated the arrangement basic apparatus aware. So now we accept to accompany all those calm into a unified accretion platform,” he says.

Cisco’s Unified Bolt access to networking and the abstracts centermost builds on the success the bell-ringer saw with the aggregation of articulation and abstracts networks, says Gary Middleton, administrator of achievement access and abstracts centermost networking at Dimension Data, a Cisco gold partner.

Middleton says there are abounding similarities to VoiP’s acceptance curve, in that Cisco’s access combines assorted cartage types beyond a distinct network, and initially, barter were agnostic of the business amount of the technology.

“When we talked to barter about articulation on the abstracts network, we met with a lot of attrition and we had to authorize relationships with articulation specialists who were absolutely altered than the networking guys we were acclimated to ambidextrous with,” he says.

As barter started seeing the amount of VoIP, “the networking bodies started demography albatross for articulation on the abstracts network, and again we accomplished an access in adoption,” says Middleton. He expects the aforementioned archetypal to administer as Cisco converges abstracts centermost networks with articulation and abstracts and accumulator networks.

“We anticipate we’ll see slower acceptance up front, but again accelerated acceptance already the amount is apparent to our customers,” Middleton says. The access of virtualization will advice advance that adoption, he adds, as accretion virtualization capabilities impacts customers’ networks and performance.

“A lot of audience don’t apprehend that the arrangement has to be a axiological allotment of any abstracts centermost accomplishing because of the added cartage that’s activity into and out of the abstracts center,” says Middleton.


Written on 8:45 AM by ooe

LANs are designed to:

* Operate within a limited geographic area

* Allow multi-access to high-bandwidth media

* Control the network privately under local administration

* Provide full-time connectivity to local services

* Connect physically adjacent devices

Metropolitan Breadth Networks

Written on 8:40 AM by ooe

A burghal breadth arrangement (MAN) is a amalgam amid a LAN and a WAN. Like a WAN, it connects two or added LANs in the aforementioned geographic area. A MAN, for example, ability affix two altered barrio or offices in the aforementioned city. However, admitting WANs about accommodate low- to medium-speed access, MANs accommodate accelerated connections, such as T1 (1.544Mbps) and optical services.

The optical casework provided accommodate SONET (the Synchronous Optical Arrangement standard) and SDH (the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy standard). With these optical services, carriers can accommodate accelerated services, including ATM and Gigabit Ethernet. These two optical casework (covered in Chapter 2) accommodate speeds alignment into the hundreds or bags of megabits per additional (Mbps). Devices acclimated to accommodate access for MANs accommodate high-end routers, ATM switches, and optical switches.

LANs, MANs, and WANs

Written on 8:38 AM by ooe

  • One aboriginal band-aid was the conception of local-area arrangement (LAN) standards which provided an accessible set of guidelines for creating arrangement accouterments and software, authoritative accessories from altered companies compatible.
  • What was bare was a way for advice to move calmly and quickly, not alone aural a company, but additionally from one business to another.
  • The band-aid was the conception of metropolitan-area networks (MANs) and wide-area networks (WANs).

Physical and Logical Topology

Written on 8:32 AM by ooe

Media Type Physical Topology Logical Topology
Ethernet Bus, Star, or Point-to-Point Bus
FDDI Ring Ring
Token ring Star Ring

Mesh Topology

Written on 8:29 AM by ooe

A cobweb cartography is implemented to accommodate as abundant aegis as accessible from abeyance of service.

Each host has its own access to all added hosts.

Although the Internet has assorted paths to any one location, it does not accept the abounding cobweb topology.

Extended star topology

Written on 8:28 AM by ooe

An continued brilliant cartography links alone stars calm by abutting the hubs and/or switches.This cartography can extend the ambit and advantage of the network.

Star Topology

Written on 8:26 AM by ooe

A brilliant cartography connects all cables to a axial point of concentration.

Ring Topology

Written on 12:26 PM by ooe

A arena cartography connects one host to the abutting and the aftermost host to the first.

This creates a concrete arena of cable.

Network Topologies

Written on 12:25 PM by ooe

Network cartography defines the anatomy of the network.

One allotment of the cartography analogue is the concrete topology, which is the absolute blueprint of the wire or media.

The added allotment is the analytic topology,which defines how the media is accessed by the hosts for sending data.

When you are cabling up your computers and networking devices, assorted types of topologies can be used. A cartography defines how the accessories are connected.


Written on 12:23 PM by ooe

Routers are acclimated to affix networks together

Route packets of abstracts from one arrangement to another

Cisco became the de facto accepted of routers because of their high-quality router products

Routers, by default, breach up a advertisement area


Written on 12:22 PM by ooe

Switches add more intelligence to data transfer management.


Written on 12:22 PM by ooe

Switches add more intelligence to data transfer management.


Written on 12:21 PM by ooe

Connects a group of Hosts

Network Interface Card

Written on 11:21 AM by ooe

Network Interface Card

A arrangement interface agenda (NIC) is a printed ambit lath that provides arrangement advice capabilities to and from a claimed computer. Also alleged a LAN adapter.

Networking Devices

Written on 11:20 AM by ooe

Networking Devices

Equipment that connects anon to a arrangement articulation is referred to as a device.

These accessories are burst up into two classifications.

End-user devices

Network devices

End-user accessories accommodate computers, printers, scanners, and added accessories that accommodate casework anon to the user.

Network accessories accommodate all the accessories that affix the end-user accessories calm to acquiesce them to communicate.

Data Networks

Written on 11:18 AM by ooe

Data Networks

Sharing abstracts through the use of billowing disks is not an able or cost-effective manner.

Businesses bare a band-aid that would auspiciously abode the afterward three problems:

How to abstain duplication of accessories and resources

How to acquaint efficiently

How to set up and administer a network

Businesses accomplished that networking technology could access abundance while extenuative money.

Cisco Icons and Symbols

Written on 11:14 AM by ooe

Cisco Icons and Symbols

Atm switch, Bridge, File server, Network cloud, Router, PC, Hub, Building, Switch, Laptop, Modem, Comm Server, ISDN Switch, Phones, Phone Customer,
Home Office
Icons and Symbols..


Written on 11:12 AM by ooe


Peer Validation
Potential Employer
Career advancement

Peer Validation – u understanding where u stand in the industry
Personal - For knowledge gain
Potential Employer – During the interview the company will filter by the certification
Career Advancement – CCNA, CCNP, CCIE You can progress ur carrer in ur company


Written on 11:06 AM by ooe


Exam Number - 640-801
Total Marks - 1000
Duration – 90 Mts
Passing score – 849
Questions -45-55
Multiple Choice
Drag and Drop

2.Multiple Choice
3.Select the Correct Answer
4.Select the Three Correct Answers
5.Select All That Apply
6.Type the command for viewing routes learned from an IP routing protocol.

Cisco Communications and Services Certifications

Written on 11:03 AM by ooe

Cisco Communications and Services Certifications


CCIE(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)

-Routing and Switching


-Communications and Services


CCNP(Cisco Certified Network Professional)

-Routing and Switching Support

CCIP(Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional)

-Communications and Services


CCNA(Cisco Certidied Network Associate)

-Routing and Switching Support